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Matt Mann
Mar 1, 2024
Dial M For Murder Poster
This post is long overdue, but better late than never. This poster was designed for the Oro Valley Theatre Company, for their production...

Matthew Mann
May 17, 2023
Groovy Retro Lounge Act Poster
I was asked to do a poster for the show, and all I had was a couple of pretty terrible quality resolution photos I took with my phone...

Matthew Mann
Jun 3, 2021
May Memorial Billboards for the Sheriff's Department
It was a huge honor to be able to work with the Pima County Sheriff's Department to be able to develop a campaign that would pay tribute...

Matthew Mann
Jun 3, 2021
The Blank Brewery Rabbit
It's projects like this that were part of the reason to get into the field of design to begin with. Being given creative license to help...

Matthew Mann
Dec 8, 2020
MPA "Wild Ride" Video
Due to the pandemic the Metropolitan Pima Alliance was forced to postpone their much anticipated Wild Ride, which was to be a fun and...

Matthew Mann
Oct 1, 2018
Putting The Pieces Together
It took a long time to figure out a design for the desert that didn't involve a cactus. There were ideas but nothing that really inspired....

Matthew Mann
Oct 1, 2018
Coyote At The Door
I had never made a metal design before, but having access to a metal shop has it's advantages and when i finally had some free time I...

Matthew Mann
Oct 1, 2018
The End of The Beginning
I have a magnet on my refrigerator which reads "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." I stuck it there a...
Posts about the latest design projects and other aspects of the world of an independent operator in the creative industry.
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